Older Adults & Seniors

  • More than 2 million of the 34 million Americans aged 65 and older suffer from some form of depression (Mental Health America, 2018)
  • Approximately 25% of older adults have a mental illness (CDC, 2013)
  • 13% of the population are seniors, but they account for 20% of all suicide deaths (Mental Health America, 2018)
  • Suicide for white males aged 85 and older is 65.3 deaths per 100,000, which is 56 times the national suicide rate (Mental Health America, 2018)
  • Only 42% of seniors would seek help from a health professional
  • Only 3% of seniors receive treatment (Mental Health America, 2018)

Elder Abuse

  • Psychological abuse most likely; sexual abuse least likely (Yon, Mikton, Gassoumis, & Wilber, 2017)
  • In 2008, 1 in 10 seniors reported emotional, physical, or sexual abuse or neglect in the past year
  • Predicted to increase due to rapidly aging population (World Health Organization, 2018)
  • Under-reported (World Health Organization, 2018)
  • Rates are much higher in institutional than community settings (World Health Organization, 2018)

Social Support

  • Adequate social support increases well-being (CDC, 2013)
  • Strong social or inter-marital relationships - 61% less depressive symptoms
  • Older adults who felt supported by family have fewer depressive symptoms
  • Depressive symptoms are highest in lower quality marriages or those separated/divorced (Stokes, 2012)

Medicare and Mental Health Services

  • Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance)
    • Helps cover mental health care if you're a hospital inpatient
  • Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance)
    • Helps cover mental health services that you would get from a doctor as well as services that you generally would get outside of a hospital, like visits with a psychiatrist, clinical psychologist or clinical social worker, and lab tests ordered by your doctor
  • Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage)
    • Helps cover drugs you may need to treat a mental health condition
  • ​Use the Medicaid QuickCheck® to see your options (Mental Health America, 2019)


Source: Radiant Senior Living, 2019