Change Direction Campaign

The Change Direction initiative is a collection of concerned citizens, nonprofit leaders, and leaders from the private sector who have come together to change the culture about mental health, mental illness, and wellness. The initiative was inspired by the discussion at the White House National Conference on Mental Health in 2013, which came on the heels of the Newtown, Conn. tragedy.

Our Pledge
We pledge to know the Five Signs of emotional suffering and change the culture surrounding mental health, mental illness, and wellness in Washington and Ozaukee Counties.
The Campaign Goal
The goal of the Campaign to Change Direction is to change the culture of mental health in America so that all those in need receive the care and support they deserve. The Campaign encourages all Americans to pay attention to their emotional well-being -- and it reminds us that our emotional well-being is just as important as our physical well-being.

Learn more about Change Direction here.

Healthy Habits of Emotional Well-Being
Take care of you.
Check in and get checkups.
Engage and connect wisely.
Know the Five Signs.

Know the Five Signs
Personality Change
Poor Self-Care

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Show you Know the Signs!
Take a selfie with the message "I know the signs," OR tell us who you are learning the signs for OR who you are sharing the signs with, on your hand. Five fingers, Five Signs. Help your message spread by tagging others and using the hashtag.