| Ozaukee County
| Washington County
| 1 out of 72
| 2 out of 72
Race/Ethnicity | 91.5% non-Hispanic white
| 92.9% non-Hispanic white
Poor Mental Health Days
| 3.1 days
| 3.1 days
Self-inflicted injuries leading to hospitalization
| 28 per 100,000
| 28 per 100,000
Frequent Mental Distress
| 10% | 10% |
| 2.8% | 2.8% |
Graduation Rate
| 96% | 93% |
Median Income
| $85,100 | $76,600 |
* The overall rankings in health outcomes represent how healthy counties are within the state. The healthiest county in the state is ranked #1. The ranks are based on two types of measures: how long people live and how healthy people feel while alive.
Source: County Health Rankings. (2019). Wisconsin-Ozaukee County. Retrieved from http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/
Source: County Health Rankings. (2019). Wisconsin-Washington County. Retrieved from http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/